Namwon Kim
Namwon Kim received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea, in 2018, and the Ph.D. degree (advised by Prof. Chang-Sung Jeong ) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2025.
His research interests include:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Vision
- Distributed Parallel Computing
- Image Processing.
DA-Net: Dual Attention Network for Haze Removal in Remote Sensing Image
Namwon Kim*, Il-Seok Choi, Seong-Soo Han, and Chang-Sung Jeong
IEEE Access, 2024
ADOM: ADMM-Based Optimization Model for Stripe Noise Removal in Remote Sensing Image
Namwon Kim*, Seong-Soo Han, and Chang-Sung Jeong
IEEE Access, 2023
FAMOUS: Fake News Detection Model Based on Unified Key Sentence Information
Namwon Kim*, Deokjin Seo, and Chang-Sung Jeong
2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), 2018
Awards and Honors
Stage 1 Winner of the Track 5, 2021 AI R&D Grand Challenge, Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea.
5th Place Winner of the Object Classification Track, 2020 AI R&D Grand Challenge, Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea.